
Check frequently asked questions

Are there any bugs with this plugin?

We have tested this plugin extensively and have found no known bugs or conflicts, but there is always the chance of unforeseen situations and potential bugs. If your website does happen to crash after installing this plugin, please follow WordPress’ procedure on manually deleting a plugin here

Will this plugin slow down my site?

This plugin is well developed and extremely lightweight. As with any plugin, this one has the potential to slow down your site, but we estimate the impact to be almost immeasurable.

How many websites can I install this plugin on?

Your purchase is good for unlimited installs, updates and support. The product may be used by you and/or your business (on client sites) but you may not gift the plugin to a 3rd party like another designer.

Where can I find additional documentation?

The full documentation for Testify is available on our website here >>

Do you still need help?

Our talented support staff is standing by